What's missing in my learning?

First of all, don't be afraid to watch videos on YouTube there are some really great channels (if you want me to give you some recommendations PM me) that will teach you a lot.

However, my main advice is, let's say you want to make rock songs then, you have to listen to a shit-ton of rock. And not just from a band but many. Ofcourse having a main influence is not bad. For example, my music sounds a lot like Muse and Radiohead but it doesn't sound like I copied them. Moreover, every time I listen to new music that I like I notice that I subconsciously tend to make different decisions when I make music than I usually do.

What I'm trying to say is that, you should open your music horizons to whatever gerne you enjoy. While you're listening to songs think "what do I like from this and how would have I written it? Or would I be able to write this?" See the chords it uses try to recreate some sounds you like and then modify them to your liking. And if you think you sound too much like the artist/band then find new inspiration (aka more songs from different bands/artists) that will make you think differently (aka "open your music horizons").

But mostly you must enjoy it. That's my tips, hope it helps.

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread