What's the most adhd injury you've had?

My mom had 4 kids and undiagnosed ADHD, I also have ADHD. The only time I could get her undivided attention was when she was either in the shower, bath, or on the toilet. So I would frequently corner her in the bathroom and talk her ear off about whatever hyperfixation obsession I had at the time.

So one day, when I was about 9 or 10, she was showering (her shower had that frosted/raindrop glass to where you couldn’t really see in or out) and I was chattering at her, while doing handstands over and over again. At one point, I was up in a handstand and lost my balance a bit, so I came down faster than I’d intended. My foot hit the bathroom counter on the way down, and half of my toes got caught on the counter. I heard the terrifying sound of my skin ripping.

I sat down immediately, and pulled apart my toes to see what had happened. I won’t get too gory about what it looked like, but I’d essentially ripped the webbing between my second and third toes about an inch deep into my foot. It was horrifying. So I squeezed my toes together to try to staunch the blood and ease the pain.

I had a weird habit of laughing when I wanted to cry. So I was like half laughing half sobbing. My mom thought I was laughing so she started laughing too. I couldn’t articulate what had happened and that I was actually hurt, so I scooted around the entire house half laughing half crying until I found my dad to show him, all the while leaving a gnarly trail of blood in my wake.

Lol doctors couldn’t stitch it, so they basically just tapped my toes together and said good luck. Weirdest ADHD injury I’ve had I think.

/r/adhdwomen Thread