What's the most cringeworthy thing you've ever witnessed?

There was this girl I knew in high school that was a textbook compulsive liar. Early in the year she gave this presentation in a horrible English accent, and when the teacher joked that she may want to work on it, she laughed and said "Well, actually, I'm FROM England and this is my natural accent!"

Little things like that. It was an elective course with all sorts of different students and age groups, so you kind of rolled your eyes and let it slide. Every once in a while she would say something that was clearly untrue, but I can't really remember any specifics (she may have said she was older than she was at one point?) except for one time...

Later in the year the class is split off into thirds and I find myself in a group along with this girl and a friend of mine. After being told not to design out projects with anything too controversial, my friend at one point jokes that we should draw Muhammad and we all chuckle. The girl, who is completely stone-faced, looks at my friend and says "That is incredibly offensive. I'll have you know that I happen to be Muslim, and I do not find that funny."

At this point I will note that, while anyone of any race can be any religion they choose, this girl was white. My friend, however, was Arabic and has many family members that practice Islam. So my friend, done with this girl's shit, asks "What is the Quran?"

Silence. They stare each other down for what seems like forever, then the girl says,

"I-I just started so I don't-"

"No." My friend says. "If you are a Muslim, if that is your religion, even if you just decided to be a Muslim today, even if you decided to be a Muslim just this second, you know what the Quran is. What is the Quran?"

Nothing. Eventually somebody changed the subject and nobody dared made eye-contact with the girl the rest of the day.

I will say, on a different note, it's really difficult for me to think of embarrassing things that have happened to other people, but I can think of hundreds of embarrassing things that have happened to me. It just goes to show that maybe those things that keep us up at night aren't worth being embarrassed of anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread