What's the most desperate thing you did as a teenager or young adult living with your parents to get high/intoxicated?

One time me and my buddy were really desperate to get high but had 0 weed and no papers lying around. We scraped some dirty old nasty rez from his bowl (that he has never cleaned since he got) and smeared a nice glob onto... a tiny piece of toilet paper. Balled it up, threw it in a bowl and smoked that shit.

Now, normally, I would be more concious of my health, but at this point I qas already stupid faded off alcohol and zopiclone. Needless to say, the rez got me high as fuck and fast. I stood up and walked to his kitchen to get a drink afrer that nasty ass hit and by the time I was opening the fridge I was already feeling it. After that I was straight up seeing double all night. I remember being way too high for my own comfort and greening out. Normally I would have a anxiety attack at this point but because of the zops and alc I was totally chilled out. Most chill greenout I've ever had. Without saying a word I get up from the couch, stumble to the bathroom while puking in my mouth and swallowing it and make it to the toilet just in time, do my thing, stumble back to the couch and just continue drifting off

/r/Drugs Thread