Whats the most fucked up thing a friend has done?

Our group was playing Dota 2. I had been under-preforming lately and our most experienced player (lets call him Doug) was getting upset. I misplayed and died while trying to support him, he exploded. (To preface, Doug had always been super impulsive and ragey, we were worried about him sometimes) He threatened my life and my family's. After tons of verbal abuse he said he was driving to my house. Apparently he had always hated me and after saying he was driving to my house he was actually DMing his friend saying that he was serious and he knew how to do it. While I was in the process of a restraining order he moved away, it still freaks me out sometimes thinking that the restraining order would make him angrier or it wouldn't stop him. I haven't talked to him since, but

/r/AskReddit Thread