What's the most fucked up thing you've ever walked in on?

This is pretty light but...

Me and my friends were drinking at someone’s flat and one of my friends (M) had funnelled some vodka and wasn’t feeling great so he went into one of my other friends bedrooms to sleep it off. We continued our night and eventually two of us went to check on him. Next things my mates here are the two of us historically laughing. The reason?

M had went to ‘open the window’ and somehow is progression of horrible decisions lead to him absolutely trashing the room, the blinds were even fully off the wall hahaha. Me and my friend were on the floor laughing and the two others who lived there just looked in horror.

When we first got into the room and turned the light on it was like a deer in the headlines moment for M. Very good times hahah

/r/AskReddit Thread