whats the most hurtful thing you’ve overheard about yourself by accident?

I played basketball when I was in high school and it was one of the few things that made me happy. I had spent all of my summers throughout high school playing basketball and training. While I never ended up being that great, I improved so much from freshman to senior year. Anyways, after our season we would have awards ceremonies. Usually they would give out an MVP award for the most talented player/player that impacted the team on the floor the most. Following my senior season I was given our MVP award, something I had been pretty proud of, like it kind of validated my time and effort. So the day after our awards ceremony at school I overheard a few of my teammates talking about how I didn’t deserve to win that award, and I wasn’t a scorer, etc. It is kind of dumb but it really had been the only thing I cared about so it really hurt to hear my teammates saying it.

TLDR: teammates were talking shit after my senior year basketball season ended

/r/AskReddit Thread