What's the most oblivious you've ever been that someone was into you?

I had a "friend" ask me out the first year of college. I immediately saw how I'd misled him. I really like walking, and he was one of the few people who'd make the long walk to this shopping center off-campus with me. So we basically took long walks on the beach to the mall. I figured he'd just thought I was interested (due to inviting him on said walks), and didn't really have strong feelings. Like, he thought I liked him, and thought I was cool, so he asked me out. That was my logic. So I said no but didn't even feel awkward really, and we kept being friends. Thought he got over it.

So sophomore year, we go with a big group to a party and I get super wasted. We basically make out in the back of the car all the way home. To everyone else's disgust. Looking back, what they didn't know, is that when I get drunk I like to make out. I'm not one of those "deeper feelings come out when drunk" people. If you are attractive and my friend, you will be smooched. It's gonna happen. Boy or girl. It's just smooching. But either of us might have initiated it. Still don't know. Anyway, that happens like 3 times and then he asks me out again. Somehow I'm totally shocked. NO ONE ELSE IS EVEN A LITTLE SURPRISED AT ALL.

So I say no and kind of back off. At this point I'm thinking he needs space from me because I've totally misled him twice and shot him down now. Even if he doesn't want space, he needs it. So we don't talk as much. But honestly I just don't take it that seriously.

Junior year and my birthday comes around. Our friendship has been a little distant but it's not so bad that I wouldn't invite him to my 21st birthday party! I actually have a crush on someone else at this point and am determined that if any smooching happens, it's gonna be me and my new crush.

So we all pregame. Go to the bars because hey, 21. My roommates drive us all back and set up everyone with air mattresses and sleeping bags or on the futon. I go to my room and pass out. I distinctly remember closing the door.

Wake up and he's on me. In between kissing my sleeping body he's talking to me. He thinks I'm awake and is confessing his undying love. "Only you, for the rest of my life" was a repeated phrase. My stomach, already full of alcohol, dropped about 10ft. It was the most awkward situation I've ever been in. So I said "I've gotta pee." and locked myself in the bathroom for 10 minutes. As classy ladies do.

Thank god for the diuretic properties of alcohol and the power of suggestion, because when I came out he had to pee and went in. I went back in my room and locked the door. He passed out on the linoleum. I didn't see him in the morning and assumed he went home in shame. NOPE. That day I get this call from him like "I think we both felt something last night... and we should make a real go of this." NOPE NOPE NOPE. I wanted nothing more than to scream I WAS SLEEPING, but I knew it would crush him and he didn't know what happened. So I just rejected him again and then we never talked and here I am today!

/r/AskWomen Thread