What's the most ridiculous thing a boss has asked you to do?

I was moving departments, and offices, within my company. One of my many duties at the time was filing the gargantuan stacks of medical records and other case work that would come in by courier and mail literally every day (we're talking several hundred pages per batch of records, so they stacked up fast). I was also the only person in my department at the time who gave a crap about things like alphabetical order, so finding the files to put this stuff away was a nightmare. One employee frequently worked from home and took files with her without bothering to tell the rest of us. So sometimes I had to sit on filing for a few days until she remembered to bring the files back. You get the idea. There was a LOT of paperwork to get through every day.

I did my best to file away as much of it as I could before leaving, but there was still some left over at the end, so I took a few minutes to explain to my successor what everything was, how I'd organized it, and where it all needed to go, so that she could easily pick up where I'd left off. She nodded and seemed fine with that, so I assumed - not unreasonably - that she'd understood my instructions.

The next day, in the new branch office, I got a call from the department head demanding that I immediately drop everything, travel halfway across the city, and "explain my desk" to my successor, because apparently the daft cow hadn't understood a thing and couldn't be bothered to say so at the time.

The worst part was that the people in the new office agreed with department head and made me comply with this ridiculous request, so I had to hoof it halfway across the city and repeat yesterday's instructions, because a simple call or email to explain further just would not do. I had to go there and repeat myself IN PERSON. Or else.

Never in my life have I wanted so much to tell a bunch of people to eat dicks in hell. The whole thing was absurd beyond belief.

/r/AskReddit Thread