Whats the most uncomfortable situation you can remember being in?

I'm asking because I just had the most uncomfortable encounter I can remember. I'm working a shift as a fitting room attendant right now and this lady just came out of the fitting room and asked me (per your mental picture, I'm a young man and she looked to be about 10 years older than me) to zip up the dress she was trying on. That was layer one of uncomfortability.

I didn't know what to say. I'm probably not supposed to do this according to the company policy, but she was alone with no one else to help her, and she was okay with it enough to go out of her way to ask me to do it, so I said, sure I'll try. I got about halfway up and things started getting tight. At first I thought it was just the zipper catching on something. Then I realized she was simply too big to fit in this dress. Layer two.

Now I have to find a tactful way to tell this lady the dress is too small. I gave it one last try and right as the zipper got going, this lady let a big wet fart loose. Layer 3.

Her face went red asf and she panic-sprinted back into the fitting room. It's been 20 minutes and I think she's just hiding in there out of embarrassment, but she also might have shit herself. What do I do?? Should I just take my dinner break now??

/r/AskReddit Thread