What's a movie you love that you don't like to show people because you're afraid they won't get it?

Oh man this movie was hard to watch. I was going through a hard time with my husband a few years ago when it came out. He was actually staying at his mother's for the night and I watched it alone and bawled my eyes out bc their story was so similar to ours. I had grown apathetic towards him. I had also probably married him at 19 to get out of a bad home life. Our lives had dramatically improved over the years and had stabilized but he was still so overly possessive and needy. I didn't "need" him anymore and I would have easily been able to make it on my own, but he definitely still needed me as his emotional crutch in life. We had kind have come to this weird crossroads where I just couldn't decide if I wanted to stay with someone so controlling. We struggled for a bit and there was a lot of talk of divorce, but we got through it together and I'm happy we did. We celebrate 20 years of married in a couple of months. Married has its ups and downs, but he is my best friend no matter what.

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