What's needed when trading in my PS4 for full trade-in value.

Sure but Time is Money friend.

Many people don't realize the cost in that equates to it. As of right now (7AM PST) PS4 trades in for 125$. We will be using that as our base.

Minimum Wage in LA is $10.50 an hour (Using that as our base as well).

Average sale price on PS4 systems on ebay is about 200-225 (with games), about 170 without games. So we will use all 3 values for our estimate.

We are also going to use a base of 3 hours on each to spent Listing, replying to, and driving and selling your prodcut (being generous here). I'm also not going to use costs of data, but I will use the goverment standard of 50 cents per mile paid driving for work. Also, we will use a standard of 30 miles driven.

SalePrice TimeSpent WageCost GasCost TotalSpent GSTrade Difference
$170 3Hours $31.50 $16.20 $47.70 $125 (NoGames) ($2.70)
$200 3Hours $31.50 $16.20 $47.70 $125 (+Games) $27.30
$225 3Hours $31.50 $16.20 $47.70 $125 (+Games) $52.30

So, not including the cost of the games you could be looking at a loss of $2.70 selling just the console by it self.

I spent way to much time on this.

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