What's the nicest thing a teacher ever done for you?

When I was like 13, I was doing very bad in school. My maths teachers told me, "if you do all of the homework I gave you this semester, I will give you enough marks and we'll save your school year."

That weekend, I spent hours doing all of the homework. I really dedicated myself for the first time of my life. When it was finally monday, I showed my teacher all of my effort and he just couldn't believe it. He was amazed at my effort; I had drawn all of the graphs with immense diligence. It was worthy of being seen.

He flipped through it all, and he told me "I will talk to the school staff, and I will save your school year."

I don't know what exactly he told them all, but my grades began to change from there on, and I changed too. By giving me a chance to change, I changed.

Such a small act changed my life. I began to take my studies very seriously. I'll always remember him.

/r/AskReddit Thread