What's one profession you'd never want your daughter to be in?

To (many) of the people rationalizing sex work and saying entry level jobs in companies are no better...let's take some things into account here.

  • There are NO benefits (by benefits, I mean medical insurance, retirement plans) to any kind of sex work. None whatsoever. I would want my daughter to have a secure job with good benefits, and I imagine many others would feel the same.
  • The probability of my daughter coming into contact with abusive, sketchy, or just immoral people is much higher in sex work. How many times have you heard of escorts getting beaten, or cam girls being verbally abused? I can't even imagine what some of those women have gone through in their jobs.
  • Society has a negative view of sex work and would judge her for it. That's a fact, and I don't see it changing anytime soon, no matter what I think of sex workers. Most people wouldn't be accepting of her job, and quite frankly, would respect her less. The general public is already judgmental enough; I don't want it to further target my daughter.
  • If she did choose to leave sex work and pursue other jobs, her videos, pictures, whatever would be found so easily. There is virtually no way to hide these things, and for many, many businesses, "sex worker" isn't exactly desirable past experience. Again, this has nothing to do with my own views on sex workers--it's what managers, bosses, companies would think.

My own personal views do come into play here as well. Although I have no disrespect for sex workers, I want my daughter to be valued for her intelligence and personality, not her body or sex. Those are my own personal views, because I do not like the idea of my daughter's career being based on how sexy or desirable she is. At least in an entry level, paper pusher job, she can work her way up and eventually have a higher position in the company. With jobs in sex work, what can she get? Even some of the porn stars who "make it" come out to talk about how horrible and degrading the porn industry is to women. I just wouldn't want my daughter to ever go through that.

But, aside from my own views, my bullet points still stand. Sex work is simply not a desirable career for most peoples' children.

/r/AskWomen Thread