My mom hasn’t talked to me in 2 months because I didn’t sense a disturbance in the force from 4 hours away and call her to fix her self-created problems.
She lives in another city from me and booked herself a vacation without making plans to get to the airport. She ended up missing her vacation because she couldn’t find a way to the airport (30 min drive), and then she called to cry/yell at me that she missed her trip and it’s my fault because I should have helped her. I should have known she would need help even if she never asked for help. I also should have known how important this trip was to her. Never mind what she should have done. It’s all my should haves that ruined her trip.
In the past, I would have bent over backwards with guilt. This time, I told her it wasn’t my trip and it wasn’t a big deal and left it at that. I didn’t chase her or try to fix anything for her or cheer her up. I’m no longer a mind reader, and I damn sure am not an emotional garbage can for you to chuck your unprocessed issues into when they get too much for you.
We’ve never had this cold of a relationship and I just can’t be bothered to give a fuck this time around.