What's the pettiest thing you've seen an adult do to a child?

I just shared this on r/raisedbynarcissists 5 hours ago so its top of mine but at thought my mother's passive aggressiveness was pretty petty.

I've been a lurker on this subreddit for almost a year now. I'm not entirely sure if my Mother is a narcissist but some of the things she says and does are pretty narcissistic. A little backstory my parents are watching my brother and my SIL's 2 giant dogs for a couple of days. I live about 10 minutes from my parents but I work 30 minutes away from home. I was staying a little late for work because I am finishing up a big project that I've been on for several months. She called me as asked where I was and my plans. I told her I was at work and I was finishing up a few things. I can tell already she's dissapointed that I'm not already home. She launches into this story about how my Dad is feeling feverish and sick, could I come over and help her walk the dogs and oh pick up dinner too. I start thinking what do I have going on tonight and I remember that I have a pork chops defrosting as my bf and I were hoping to cook them up tonight, I mention this and again I hear the frustration her voice. I say, "we could probably cook them up tomorrow." She then says, "When can you get here?" "Um probably an hour." Again, I want to finish up my work and it takes me a half hour to drive home. She gave a deep exasperated sigh and said, "Ugh forget it." I start to get defensive I said, "I'll leave right now and be there as soon as I can." She again says, "No it's fine, don't worry about it." In this passive aggressive attitude that I hate. So now I'm angry and frustrated. Reddit, what do I do? Am I in the wrong here?

/r/AskReddit Thread