What's a reality about your country that completely debunks the rhetoric of its hardcore nationalists?

The United States is not a democracy. No, I am not talking about the "Pure Democracy" vs. "Republic" debate. We are a country ruled over by very rich, very corrupt, politicians who would gladly sell us out to fill their own pockets.

"Oh, but you can vote them out of office."

Sure, in theory, we can. But, our congressional districts are so gerrymandered, our choices for candidate so limited, and the lies so pervasive that even the "good" candidate is just yet another wolf in sheep's clothing.

We, as average Americans, have very little power or say so in our country. Our elected representatives are corrupt. Our judicial system is broken. Our police are not required to help us and, often, are given legal cover when they break the very same laws they arrest us for breaking.

The "land of the free" is just a slogan which, at the end of the day, means very little.

/r/AskReddit Thread