What's the saddest thing that happened to an old school friend you don't see anymore?

Little late, but it's a must. My friends and I were a very popular group in school, my main buddy would always call this old guy whenever we needed a ride or wanted to go get food and not spend any money, he was a local furniture store owner who helped my friends family out financially from time to time, whenever I would get dropped off by this guy, my Mom would say there was something about him she didn't like, she just couldn't put her finger on it. One day while at his furniture store, he kept telling my friend to give him a kiss on the cheek, and to sit on his lap, we were fucking 14 at the time, I thought it was weird, but my buddy said something like, the guys whole family was very loving, and that all of the guys kids still hugged and kissed him. One day it all came out in the paper, all the boys that were molested had come to an agreement to tell the police, after another friend had punched the guy when he tried to touch him, Great right, we'll no, because the local paper printed my friends name along with the story, he was never the same, and after high school, I never see much of him anymore, good thing is, the guy bailed out and attempted suicide by exhaust fumes, but was found, them immediately after coming home from the hospital, used a 20 gauge to blow his head off, this made me very happy. My friend is a great guy and one of the funniest humans on earth, I worry about him constantly, whenever I reach out we make plans then I don't hear from him again until the next time I run into him at random, to this day he's still single, no kids. Everyone asks me what's up with him all the time, and all I can say is I don't know

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