What's the scariest thing you ever experienced as a kid?

This actually happened not too long ago, and took place at about noon. I was at my desk painting and watching Shane Dawson. My desk is by the door, and right across the room i was in was the attic. I sat at my desk for a good amount of time until i heard a thump in the attic. The house I live in is a bit old, and it makes noises a lot so I just ignored it. I continued painting for maybe a minute when I started to hear shuffling noises coming from the attic as well. I set my brush down and opened my door; the noise continued. I thought for a moment that it might have been my cat or maybe even mice. I opened the attic door and turned on the light. Everything was fine - except for a porcelain doll standing in the middle of the room, its head oddly tilted. The doll belonged to my aunt before she was killed in a brutal crash, snapping her neck. I approached the doll, and as I did, it shifted towards the wall. I froze, then sprinted from the attic and running downstairs, out of the house. I don't know how the hell to convince my mom to get rid of the doll.

/r/PlanetDolan Thread