What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously?

I overdosed on Prozac and had a massive stomachache. I overdosed on Zquil for the first time and hallucinated giant spiders along with giant spider webs and other side effects, but my cat was there beside me. I overdosed on vitamin supplements and stopped. I either overdosed on Tylenol or Advil one time and did not experience any side effects at all. I started inhaling computer duster and was throwing up, shitting myself and my beloved cat kept me company. Two weeks ago I overdosed on eight Nyquil liquicaps. The box label said severe liver damage may occur and several websites said that too, but I only experienced mild diarrhea. I have tried hanging myself with my scarves, but keep untying them from my neck. I've inhaled Clorox wipes, computer duster-I quit doing that two years ago, overdosed on vitamin supplements-I stopped doing that two years ago or so, Lysol spray, tried suffocating myself, wet my fingers with my saliva and stuck them in the outlet-nothing happened at all, overdosed on melatonin several times and still do, went to the supermarket and lick the hydrangea and sniffed it and chewed on it's petals-they are poisonous flowers yet I experienced nothing at all probably because I didn't actually eat the petals or swallow them, I ate one of those poisonous red berries that grow on plants-really nasty stuff, cut my leg with a knife-my mom saw the knife mark on my leg and told everybody about it.

I trashed the kitchen to get revenge on my mom and because my grandmother had dementia at the time, she blamed my grandmother for it. My grandmother kept maintaining her innocence, so they got into a fight and my grandmother fell down. She hit her head on the edge of the table and was bleeding. I also trashed the living room, dining room, grandmother's bedroom, hallway closet and stuffed my mom's shower towel in the toilet. She blamed my grandmother for that and kept screaming at her to pull it out the toilet. I also put the decorative hand towel on my grandmother's lamp and it set fire. My mom blamed my grandmother for that. My mom knows that I did all this stuff and framed my grandmother for it, but she never confronted me because she's waiting for me to feel guilty enough to confess all of these deeds to her.

I banged the back of my head against the wall and made a hole. My mom asked me if I punched a hole in the wall with my fist and I said no, because it was the truth-it was the back of my head that caused damage. She figured it was because of the time they moved my bed or my grandmother's bed into one of our bedrooms or out of our bedrooms and the leg made that hole in the wall that she claimed to have never noticed. She knew all the time I was the one who did it.

I hate eaten raw meat and raw fish, but never experienced diarrhea or other symptoms. I ate a mini-lightbulb, swallowed a balloon, put Krazy Glue on a Munchos chip-my teeth had glue on them for a day or two and I kept brushing my teeth constantly until there was no more glue on them, put lifesavers in the microwave while they were still in their wrappers to soften them up and in ten seconds I saw fireworks so I quickly took them out, set fire to a cardboard toilet paper roll and dropped it in the garbage can, put a plastic tray of shrimp on the stove and it caught fire, put some plastic bags over my head while I was sleeping and wrapped rubber bands around my neck several times.

Made the mistake of telling my therapist that I took more than the recommended dose of melatonin gummies and my period came late. She threatened to tell her supervisor and my mom about it, but I changed my story and insisted that I only took two or three of them.

I lit my hair on fire accidentally one time, lit my hair on fire on purpose another time, lit my finger nails on fire, ate dog food, cat food and fish food.

/r/AskReddit Thread