What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously?

This is pretty crazy but it's not that crazy of a secret yet no one knows. I'm a 21 year old, very successful in terms of money due to entrepreneurship and stuff people dream about, I am always regarded as a leader and someone beyond their years, my friends and family love me and I feel it. I'm very blessed for all of this, but I feel like I'm slowly dying on the inside. My girlfriend of 2 years with a 4 year old son left me to "be 22". We talked about marriage, we talked about me adopting him, I felt love beyond belief and now it's taken away.

I know it's not as bad as some stories here and I have all of you in my prayers wishing for better days to come for you. But I feel sometimes people say "man look at what you have look at this money YOURE 21!!!" And I'm blessed but I just don't know how to move on, I just can't stop thinking how I would trade all of this for love. If you're reading this and you're fighting or arguing with your partner, give me a kiss and make it work no matter how small. I know I'm just a kid but just do it because I feel paralyzed.

/r/AskReddit Thread