What's something everyone loves that you secretly find overrated?

Sex. I’m serious. Don’t know if I’m asexual or it’s because of some trauma from when I was young. But I’ve never really felt lust that strongly. And if I’m being honest I only fuck my girlfriend because she wants me. Like if you can imagine the old cliché dichotomy of libito between a man and a woman in a relationship. Reverse that and that’s me and my girlfriend. She initiated and I tolerate it. I’ll admit that I get a confidence boost when I’m actively fucking. But once would have been enough. And unless I take a shit ton of stimulants I can take it or leave it.

Honestly I have only ever cum with another person once in my life. Can’t get there if you’re not into it. Just ain’t really my thing. I’ll take a warm hug from a close friend over sex. I’ll take snuggling over sex. I’ll take a close intimate friendship with a woman over a relationship. I’ve had to reject propositions from extremely close women friends of mind. Because I don’t wanna fuck I just wanna friend. That’s only happened like twice though.

This is a long comment because I think people won’t believe me.

/r/AskMen Thread