What's something that seemed normal at the times but creeps you out when you think about it now?

Your story is kind of similar to the story that inspired me to post this question. I had a teacher in 8th grade that had a special section of seats in front of his desk for the girls he liked. His desk was in the back of the room and there were 6 student desks in front of it.

When we would have seating changes he would just kind of shuffle the 6 of us around in that section. Occasionally a girl would fall out of his favor and she would be moved to the other side of the room and a new girl would take her spot. No boys ever sat in that section.

I remember talking about it with my friends. If you sat in that section you were one of his favorites. We were all so naive that we thought it was cool and acted like it was a badge of honor or something. In reality, he was just an old perv that probably spent most of his time creeping on a bunch of 8th grade girls.

Your story is more creepy given the fact that he was bold enough to photograph you all. Creeps everywhere!

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