What's something you'll admit on Reddit but not to an actual person?

I feel really uncomfortable now. I don't want to advertise taking drugs. It's drugs. And most of it is highly dangerous. And if you're depressed you are way more likely to get addicted to drugs than someone in a well-adjusted emotional state. So this shouldn't be an option. I know a lot of people with mental health issues whose lives have been ruined by drugs. It feels good when you're miserable and that's the problem. And I don't know what will happen to me, I just know I don't want to be stoned 24/7, but once every day at the moment, and I wouldn't do anything but weed. I smoke two very small joints a day, one in the afternoon and one an hour before I go to bed. I've had sleeping problems for years, nightmares that made me wake up screaming, nervous sleep that did nothing for me and I woke up tired the next morning, and I spent hours in bed before I could sleep, all that. And I drank a lot of wine and took meds for that. And all that is gone. I just smoke a small one and sleep really good and I wake up feeling positive and awake. That hasn't happened in almost ten years. And I can enjoy so many things again! It's like the weed switches off that part of me that makes everything feel pointless and numb and I can experience things emotionally again. It feels comfortable, calm, funny, fluffy and exciting. And I feel better and happier (even at work, where I'm never stoned!) than in years. These days I'm happy to be alive again after struggling with suicidal thoughts for the last three years (I got help, no worries, it just never really helped overcome them) and it started a month after I started daily use. I woke up one morning and everything was suddenly different. It was good.

But just an hour ago I read a story about a former stereoblind man who started seeing in 3D after a 3D movie. And a friend of mine cannot see red, but after trying mushrooms once he called me in the middle of the night, crying, telling me that he could suddenly see red and he was asking me what things he should google, which red things he should look at. (He tried it again another time and it didn't work twice)

I'm sure it's not a solution to depression to take drugs. It's not. It's very dangerous. And I don't feel good for doing it, but at the moment I feel good because I'm doing it, and I finally get my life back on tracks because of that. And I'm not saying: Try it! You shouldn't. But if you do, I sincerly hope you'll feel good and after that you can handle it responsibly. It's useful

(Sorry if it's not very well written, I'm not a native english speaker)

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