What's Something Your Family Doesn't Know About You?

In school, I went through a massively bad breakup that was fraught with emotional and bordering on physical abuse, and it isolated me from everyone close to me, too. I tried to deal with it alone and turned to drinking, already dealing with the stress of two difficult majors.

Anyways, besides being a high-functioning alcoholic most days, I also went through sexual assault, general self hatred, generalized eating disorder, some drugs, and suicidal tendencies. My GPA took a huge, huge beating, especially since I was an honors college student previously. I lost touch with a lot of my friends from the beginning of college and still don't know how to talk with them, because I didn't know what was going on and neither did they. My family had no idea.

But yeah, years later and I'm doing much, much better. But I don't drink nowadays, even when I'm really, really aching for one.

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