What's something you're never gonna do again once COVID is over?

I know two coworkers who got it, a family member who near died from it and the man who lives across the street died from it. So yes i know people who had it and died from it. Dont assume things ass hole. You are spreading misinformation, are a selfish person who clearly doesnt care about others and the world would be better off without self centered pricks like you. Stop wasting our oxygen. You dont know the truth, you even choose to ignore it. You have no idea what's going on because your head is so far up your ass and you only think about yourself. You actually think people like wearing masks? We do it to protect people, even selfish pieces of shit like you. Get fucked asshole. If you think one isnt living their life because they take safetu precautions then you were raised wrong. Your parents should be fucking ashamed they ever brought a waste like you to life.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent