What's super funny, but only when it happens to someone else?

My cousin let his "girlfriend" come over to a family get together one time. Well this girl was a little off to put it very mildly. Also on kpins I believe. Oh my, she didn't put out a coherent sentence for an hour straight. Not that she didn't try, she did so repeatedly. My poor grandmother got sucked into a conversation with her and had no idea what was going on.

However, for the rest of us, the family get together quickly turned into a discussion about the current situation at hand. And as fucked up as it was, it was hilarious. I stayed just to see what happened when my cousin got back from dropping her off. Also because we're a really close family and I was worried about what the fuck he was doing with his life.

Outside of the real issues at hand, there was plenty of humor to be found. But for him, it was surely an absolute nightmare. His older brother really ripped into him as well. Mostly in a "what the fuck are you thinking dude, kind of way." I wonder if it's been long enough to be able to bring it up at family get togethers now.

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