What's up with r/The Donald pushing fake ads to try and confuse voters?

1) Seeing that they are mostly editorially liberal, yeah. Ideologues begat ideologues and so on. If you have a reputation of being liberal, you attract liberals, most journalists are liberal etc etc

2) It takes one disgruntled, underpaid employee for their stack of cards to collapse, so there's that. On one hand, they get Clinton elected, and on the other, they effectively destroy the reputation of 100 year old papers. Doesn't sound like a hard choice to me. /s

3) That there is a cabal of greedy, corrupt, globalist, conspiracists intent on making Clinton president.

4) O'Keefe has a history of being dishonest with his editing. If you cry wolf etc.

James: If it were up to you, what would you do with your cheating ex-girlfriend?

Tony: Well, I feel angry and betrayed...You know? I feel like...

James: Like beating the shit out of her?

Tony: Well, no. You know what? If it were up to me, I am going to beat the shit out of her tomorrow with a hammer. Right on the head. Fucking smash the shit out of that conniving bitch. But...I did love her, and my dad used to teach me not to lay a single hand on women, so emotionally I feel one way, but really, I would do jack shit.

O'Keefe has a history of manipulative editing of this sort.

5) His mouth contorted to spell the word 'fuck.'

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