What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

This one is practically a short story, given how much detail the dream was and how I remembered it:

The dream starts with me aimlessly walking around a hospital, with an intent on trying to visit a patient.

Eventually, I reach the middle of the hospital, and find a secretary at her desk.

I begin talking to her, and while my lips are visibly moving, no words are coming out. The woman herself doesn't seem to acknowledge my presence, and is continuously laying stamps on a never ending stack of documents.

Seeing as how I'm not getting anywhere, I turn around to see three little girls who have been standing behind me. They all had these big blue eyes and innocent smiles plastered on their face.

One of them walks over to my side and gives me a hug, arms wrapped around my waist. After a few not so subtle movements of trying to get her off, she makes it apparent that she's not going to let go. Indifferent about it, I choose a random direction to go off in and start walking, one little girl attached to my hip and the other two trailing right behind me.

While walking, I notice how distinctly white everything is: the overhead lights, the ceiling, the walls, the floor, and the occasional door to a patient's room. Everything was a glaring bright white.

After what seems to be an eternity, I reach a T-section to the corridor. Off to my left is a door, closest to where the corner rounds about, that is slightly jarred open.

At this point, I turn around to check on the girls. Upon turning around, I see that the girls have strangely disappeared, including the one hugging my waist. I did a double take and thought to myself that I could distinctly feel small arms and little hands clinging to my side before that exact moment.

Deciding not to ponder it, I decide to go into the room. Upon entering I see that the entire room is dark, safe for a sickly green glow that bathes the entire room.

I see a group of medical personnel scattered across the room, ranging from doctors to nurses, all with various tools and implements in hand. However, they all seemed to be frozen in place, as if time had stopped them mid-walk. Upon closer inspection when walking up to one of them, it seemed more accurate to say that they looked like hyper-realistic mannequins positioned to look the way they did.

I turn my attention to the patient off in the far corner of the room. She was a woman, probably mid-thirties, and had the same realistic mannequin look the other doctors had. Her pose however, depicted her cradling something, and a distinctive look of sadness, or perhaps guilt, plastered on her face.

I suddenly hear the noises of a baby crying and hiccuping. It sounded muffled, so I pinpoint the noise to be coming from the door on the opposite corner of the room. Not knowing what else to do, I hurriedly walk to the door.

Edit: This post is already long as it is. The original one ended up being broken up into three to four parts cause it went over the character limit. Will post the second part if people are interested enough.

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