What's the weirdest reason why you broke up with someone?

I've never broken up with someone for a reason I would consider "weird." Here's why I've ended relationships: - moving to another country - he was a loser, constantly broke cause he spent all his money on drugs, quit his job that he had for like 3 months because they didn't give him a day off (it was not an important reason) and never started looking for a new one. He was also pretty dumb. We weren't "dating" for long - he got really controlling and jealous when I stopped wanting to spend all my free time with him just getting stoned at his parents house. I was growing up and leaving that stage of my life, and I realized he was a total manchild. - left the country again - left the country again - just realized that while the sex was fun and we liked each other, we weren't really a couple. We're still friends. - when we started dating I told him I liked him but he needed to do something with his life beyond just crashing at his mom's. 8 months later he was still sleeping on his mom's couch, doing literally nothing but watching TV if we weren't hanging out, no job, no plans to go to school. He wouldn't accept these as good reasons and later tried to force me to have sex with him.

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