What's the weirdest thing you've seen happen at a friend's house that they thought was normal?

Shoot! this is bringing up all sorts of weird memories.

I lived in a mostly black neighborhood from about 5-10 yrs old. I went to a black friends church one Sunday. they had this weird ass play on with kids dressed as historical figures. they kept saying/ claiming things like " hi I'm George Washington and i was a black man." Hi I'm king henry the 5th of England and i was really a black man. history has robbed me of my heritage!" it was weird as fuck and even as a kid I kind felt like it was cult like. i kept thinking like there's clearly historical records that refute this , but this weird ultra conservatives black nationalist church was brainwashing there kids with some odd propaganda. They were also cool with racial mixing as long as it was black men with white women. (not sure what they thought of other races); but they were very much against black women breeding with other races. Their main preacher also went on this tirade about how men who let women keep their maiden names are not real men and women should ask that question to see if the men are really gays.. like on the first date ask" do you think I should take your family name if we marry?"

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