What's the "went through med school just to realize you couldn't stand the sight of blood" of your job field?

This will get buried but I feel the need to tell this story..

I went to Brewing school only to become an alcoholic and quit drinking. There went thousands of dollars down the drain...

It was one of the reasons I put off going to rehab for so long. I couldn’t wrap my head around throwing away the money and time spent in Brewing school. It was a huge source of anger and resentment towards the rehab process, a reason to fight back rehab, even though I’d been the one to check myself in.

But when i went to rehab, I met this girl. Tiny little thing, couldn’t have weighed more than 90 lbs. She never talked through any of our sessions, never said a word, she just stared at the floor and cried, day after day.

One day I decided to get to know her and in the course of the conversation I found out that she was a pharmacist. She’d gone through however many years of school (7?), achieved her dream job as a pharmacist and then got caught with heroin. She lost her job and her pharmacists license because of it.

Self centered prick that I was, I just couldn’t imagine that anyone had it worse than me and I lashed out because of it. But after that conversation, I just didn’t have any anger left. It was gone. I mean... Who the fuck was I?

I accepted the program then, and I’m 5 1/2 years sober now; but I still think about that girl. I wonder what ever happened to her...

/r/AskReddit Thread