What's with people calling for roster changes after every event?

To me it comes down to the game being played.

Granted, I don’t have a deep understanding of CS, but I believe teams tend to stick it out longer in that game due to how important developing teamwork and strategies is.

In COD, I feel like the game gets figured out after the first few events and if you don’t have the best players on your team when it matters then you’re going to pay for it for the rest of the year. Most pros pretty much know how the game works, hence why it’s always the same pros at the top (Crim, Scump, Gunless, etc.). Most teams want to find the best talent in the game and hold onto it for champs.

Now is the time to do that because: (1) the teams that are struggling have time to develop their game plan for champs and (2) it’s relatively easier to pick up top talent earlier in the game.

Of course none of this could be the way it actually is so take it with a grain of salt, but I don’t see a point for many teams that are struggling to stick it out when the game stays pretty much the same for the whole year.

/r/CoDCompetitive Thread