What's a women's thing men should absolutely start doing?

I want to achieve a nice smell in my home, especially now that I've been inviting a very important person to me here lately. At some point when I came back from outside into my apartment I noticed a somewhat frowzy/stale/not clean smell. Started washing all the textiles that normally get only a rare wash: Jackets, curtains, couch covers. Used a small amount of vinegar as the fabric softener which gives an amazingly fresh smell. Cleaned the shower well and walls around the shower. These things helped a lot, got rid of half the smell so it's only mild now and the nose gets used to it quickly.

I just want to my apartment to smell fresh for the very first time from it only being very clean. Next I'm moving on to wiping the rarely touched surfaces and washing floor mats. I think with the wipe I'll replace soap with a chlorine based product. I might steam the kitchen while I'm at it. If still not a fresh smell, I might steam the walls.

I don't want to cheat and get any scents before I get the fresh clean smell first. If any of y'all have tips on what would be the most effective way to get a very clean smell at home I'm open to it! If I'm going to put a lot of effort in deep cleaning my apartment, I don't want to botch it with a wrong technique or do unnecessary work! Even a well proven video on the topic would help.

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