What's the worst date you've ever been on?

Unlike most of these stories, this date was actually with my current SO. He's a redditor too, so I'm sure he'll see this and laugh/give me shit forever (sorry, honey?). It's ok though since this'll get buried ;)

We were long distance for awhile and I was visiting him. He takes me downtown to the city to go run errands and get brunch at this really nice spot that I love. I was being bitchy that day (read: as usual) but up we go out of the parking garage and through a store to get to the brunch place. And that's when it happened.

We walk through the revolving doors, I go to slide in behind him and walk through. In what I realize now was a colossal mistake, I decide to mush myself into him but it's of no use. I get squashed in this revolving door -- a derp pancake wiggling and flailing wildly. Being a perfectly rational human being, I am very embarrassed and disconcerted and decide, much as an animal that's been stepped on, that it was clearly my SO's fault for causing me to become this flopping mess in the door. He laughs hysterically and a fire lights within me -- I vow to make his life hell.

Proceed to what is likely the worst date of all time. His betrayal cut like daggers and I proceed to make this date impossibly awful. I speak not a word to him, we trudge about 10 feet apart, and do not speak to each other at all during the date (note that he has given up asking me what's wrong by this point). The awkwardness was palpable and the waitress, poor girl, was having a terrible time trying to serve us because of how tense it was. It gets so awkward and tense that eventually I start tearing up and crying a little right in the restaurant (becoming a scene at this point) and he begins chugging drinks.

Long story short, this later devolves into a huge fight when we get home all the while he never knows the real cause of this is him squashing me in a door. Vowed to take this secret to my grave, but just couldn't resist. Still cringe just thinking about it. (And don't worry, hormones in check now and am less crazy... I think?)

TL;DR: SO pins me in a revolving door like a derp starfish, I unleash my wrath of fury and hatred for the remainder of the day much to his bewilderment.

/r/AskReddit Thread