What's the worst name you ever heard?

I have had a few over the years, these are some that stuck out. Bud Wieser Pajama (pronounced pa ja may) Female (pronounced like tamale) was told hospital named the baby but mom liked it. Dick Big (big was last name) Jesus (pronounced per bible) HerRoyalHighnessPrincessJuliet (all one word) Hippity and Dippity (twin boys) I have seen a bunch of kids with the same first and last name. One kid I had owned it and signed everything M2. (Can’t get raised 2 on phone)(squared) I currently have a collection of 20 year old popular book and movie characters. The Harry Potter kids are just a few years away, but I hear their names in the halls (snape, riddle, nagini, etc) I also had a Khaan and it was everything I could do not to yell it out in a dramatic scene per Star Trek.

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