What's the worst thing you've done to a teacher?

Had a young, really attractive lady (maybe a little extra on her but it only made her more attractive) as our psych teacher. She was really sweet and nurturing, and if anyone showed real interest in the subject she would push them to read extra material and do research at our local university (Across the street from our high school). She was also really pale and had a picture of her husband and her from their wedding on her desk. That being said...

We were MASSIVE dicks to her. She's like 5 feet tall and her husband is at least 6' 5'', so we'd always make jokes about that. One day she came in with red handprints on her neck, and we made choking sex jokes for years after. There was this one Mexican kid in the class who gave 0 fucks, and asked her if she liked "bigger guys." She wouldn't respond, but she'd turn a little red and look down for the rest of lecture.

On the last day of the fall semester, one of my friends (a girl) asked her if "bigger was better" and that's why she chose her husband. My friend was massively trolling, but she was quiet in class normally, so I don't think our teacher could tell. Our teacher took her aside really concerned and apparently had a heart to heart with her about guys. Occasionally my friend would glance us to save her, but we were savoring that shit.

The worst instance was when we made her cry. I honestly feel bad about it to this day. It hurt my soul to see this sweet lady cry, but goddamn it was hilarious. We were on the unit about Freud. The first week was just using Freud as an example of what scientific rigor was not, so we didn't really get into his work. But, then we finally got into the really weird meat of his theories, and ended up talking about different types of fixation. Like people had oral fixations and it would have some thing to do with blow jobs and penis envy and all that weird stuff. At the end of all that stuff, the crazy Mexican kid asked the teacher what type of fixation she had if she liked getting choked while getting fucked. Goddamn Rigoberto.

At first she turned insanely red and yelled at him to go to the admin's office. She turned off the projector and went back to her desk silently and slammed her laptop down. Then she sat down and started crying. Looking back I'm sympathetic, but high school me was a complete dick, so when she started crying I was licking those tears up. We were in hysterics, and when she started crying we went even crazier. Goddamn.

If somehow, you're reading this right now, you should know Rigoberto is a registered sex offender. High school was wild.

/r/AskReddit Thread