What's the worst thing you've done in Japan and still feel (a little bit) bad about?

Exact opposite for me :-(

Finally learned to work out senior year of college (from 105 to 150, about 5% body fat), dated the most amazing women, and joined JET.

Within the first six months, I went from 150/5% to 170/25% body fat - from underweight to overweight in about a year and a half, had no friends, couldn't buy clothes, and the only woman who'd date me was the rich, bored, married woman in the next town (this was the deep inaka and you could literally count the single women in the area on one hand).

Oh, and the rich, married woman? Verbally abusive.

I assume sleeping with the married woman is why the JETs ostracized me. Who the fuck knows what their issue was, though, the bunch of manchildren.

That entire sequence of events isn't the thing I regret most from my life in Japan; that's the thing I regret most in my life, period.

Fuck JET. Fuck the inaka.

(Though, I don't regret sleeping with a married woman - she didn't even like her husband - no, I just sleeping with THAT married woman.)

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