What's your best "crazy ex" story?

My time to shine.

I met this guy and got into a relationship after a few weeks later which broke my dating rule but I thought I was smitten. Then I found out he was lying about a whole lot of things. Instead of ranting in story form, here are a few bullet points of what he was like:

  1. Had gotten a DUI, didn't have his license suspended anymore, but believed he did because his mom lied about it to keep him at home. Also owed $4,000 in fines.

  2. He was a mama's boy (shocker?) and she did all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving, etc for him. She even had all his bank records and because he has a gender neutral name she'd pretend to be him to pay his bills. I was not allowed in on this at all.

  3. Whenever he'd drink he'd turn into an asshole. I asked him not to drink because he was sweet sober. NOTE TO ALL: Drinking doesn't magically turn someone into an asshole, they are just covering up their assholery while sober. He would yell at, go through my phone, etc.

  4. Would forcibly hold me down in arguements then threw me into a bookcase and tried blaming me screaming at me that I was psycho.

  5. Got an engagement ring for me after weeks of dating.

  6. Constantly accused me of cheating on him with my married guy friend while his ex girlfriend that is now married with a daughter frequently came to the house and spent time with his mother and was always rude to me, jealous of me, and would tell me their previous sex life in detail. He found nothing wrong with her, though.

  7. Was insanely jealous in general, demanded I delete social media sites, and was even suspicious about me cheating over pinterest.

We dated for four months total. I high tailed out of there. Reddit, he was TWENTY SEVEN. Yes, 27!! The last I spoke to him was February of last year, broke up more than a year ago. I was a bitch to him and told him explicitly to never contact me again then blocked his number. He got a work number and began to message me off that. I can't get rid of the psycho. He messaged me less than a week ago. I'm saving it all and am building a police case for a restraining order.

Fuck crazy exes.

/r/AskReddit Thread