What's your best "OH SHIT" moment story when you realized you were instantly in a situation?

I started to sober up and realized I was in the drunk tank, in a pair of jeans and a bikini top. (Oh shit!) My hand looked to be broken and I had no idea how or why I had gotten there. I just remember sitting on the cold block staring at the toilet and feeling shame.

I asked for medical attention so they ankle-cuffed me and took me to the hospital for X-rays. I was so embarrassed and still a bit drunk but ok enough to cooperate. I realized they kept calling me Zara (not my name, but my sisters) and I remembered I had my sisters health-card as my fake ID that weekend. When they dropped me back off at the cabin my friends and I rented they handed me my envelope of possessions which contained my belt, shoelaces and a bottle opener along with my fake ID....and a nice little Drunk in public fine made out to my one and only sister.

... spent the rest of the trip piecing together what the fuck happened.

Never have I bought another bottle of tequila since.

/r/AskMen Thread