What's your ceiling price prediction for ZRX if it achieves everything it hopes to?

The following is a great way to better conceptualize and understand the world’s financial assets.

Total assets in the world, as of 2017.

B = Billion T = Trillion Q = Quadrillion

• Silver $20B • Crypto $200B • 6 biggest tech companies (Berkshire, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) $800B • 50 richest people $2T • California's GDP $3T (larger than a majority of countries worldwide) • Federal Reserve balance sheet $4.5T • Total physical paper cash/coins $8T • Total gold worldwide $8T • US stock market $30T • Total value of the world's easily accessible money (coins, cash, checking deposits) $37T • Global stock market $75T • Total value of the world's money (coins, cash, savings and checking accounts, time deposits, money market accounts) $90T • Total global debt (includes governments, corporations, households) $215T ($70T of this debt was added in the past 10 years) • Total real estate value $220T ($50T of this is in the US, where 5% of the world's population lives) • Global derivatives market is at least $544T, with estimates of it being as high as $1.2Q (CDO's and CDS's are 2 derivatives that are infamous for the 2008 Great Recession)

Crypto is still very up and coming and very minuscule when you look at the whole picture. In the coming years it has astounding potential to grow exponentially.

If more institutional money and investments start getting involved (Warren Buffet with Yale starting the charge already) the sky is the limit.

I would guess $10-$20 to be conservative.

/r/zrxtrader Thread