What's Your "Crap I Nearly Died" Moment?

I was seven years old and my dad and I were going on a fishing trip. I was really excited about it, because he was always working and this was the first time I'd seen him in months. We get to the lake and start fishing, but neither of us are catching anything. Finally my dad caught a small fish, but it was still rather unsatisfactory to the both of us. Just then a stranger drives up, and he brought with him a 30ft boat that would be absolutely great to fish off. Now, I should have been worried that he was alone, and that he immediately offered to take us out to the water, but at that time I really just wanted to catch a fish. My dad and I had a deal that whoever caught the largest fish got to pick what was for dinner that night, and there was no way I was eating anything my dad cooked. So we both go out on the boat with the new man, who told us to call him N. All three of us are fishing, and we're actually catching fish. I'm having a jolly good time until it starts to rain slightly, but N assures us it will pass, and we keep fishing. Only, it doesn't pass. The wind picks up and the rain falls harder, and the boat is rocking like crazy. My dad is yelling that his glasses fell off and he can't see anything, and I'm trying not to loose my balance. Just then, I feel what I'm positive is someone pushing me, and I topple overboard into the freezing cold water. I was probably only under for ten seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. I didn't really get to take a good breath, so I can feel myself starting to breathe. Just before my brain forces me to inhale a lungful of ice cold water, I feel an arm pull me out of the lake and onto the boat. I look up to see N having just saved my life. My dad has found his glasses at this point, and we got back to the shore and into a house. While warming up by the fire, my dad asks N how he can repay him for saving my life. N says "I'm gonna need about three fiddy". It was then I realized that N was a seventy foot tall crustacean, who had just committed insurance fraud.

/r/AskReddit Thread