What's your "Fuck this, I quit!" story?

I worked for a small clothing retailer that had 2 locations that were roughly a 4 hour drive apart. The owner of the store was extremely micromanage-y. She would stand in the corner basically and ask you if you’ve greeted every customer that came in. Even if she saw you working with a customer she would butt into every sale.

Anyway, the manager at the other location was also super micro manage-y even though she did not work in my location and I only met her once in the few months I worked there. She started sending me passive aggressive emails about my closes. Saying that I was leaving the store a complete mess, even though I was leaving the store pretty clean and normal the same as everyone else that closed. We also would keep a dog bowl with treats outside as the store is in a highly walkable and dog friendly area. One of our closing tasks was to bring the dog bowl in and one of the opening tasks was to refill and put the dog bowl out. Literally every employee would just rinse the dog bowl in the morning before refilling.

One night I closed, the person I closed with was in charge of bringing the bowl in - okay, great, all other tasks are done, let’s go home. The next day I got another passive aggressive email from the other locations manager saying that I left the store in complete disarray, didn’t even bother to clean out the dog bowl, and that my hours were based on merit (this was not explained to me when I was hired) and not the fact that I was actually hired as a full time employee and that they by law have to give me a certain amount of hours. Anyway, I had had enough of the micro management and passive aggressive emails from a manager I did not work with that I emailed her back telling her that her condescending emails were not appreciated and that she could consider this my two week notice. The email was not even acknowledged and the only way she “acknowledged” that I resigned was by taking me off the schedule. The owner was cc’d on the email and it wasn’t until my last day that she was like “oh I heard you’re leaving”.

It was also never at any point acknowledged that I was one of their top sales person and won a sales contest during my time there. Apparently washing out dog bowls was more important.

/r/AskReddit Thread