What's your "I got caught" story?

Wow, I actually get to tell this story.

(sorry if this goes on long but I've never had an excuse to talk about the best experience of my life)

Okay, so it was last year of high school and two of the guys I hang out with say we've been invited to this sleepover by some girls. I was told the girl hosting it, let's just call her Ashley, thinks I'm cute and would be dissapointed if I didn't go with them. Now I'm pretty fit since I've been running track a couple years, but I was also a bit of a geek and socially inept. I would especially get nervous talking to girls, so much that I didn't even try. But these guys know that I'll show up if they're going too, so at least I'll know someone there.

I show up in the evening and Ashley answers the door looking pretty confused. It turns out my "friends" knew about the sleepover but were not actually invited, and they thought it would be hilarious if I showed up by myself to her house. So yeah, I'm feeling pretty embarassed at this point. Joke was on them, though. She's actually being super nice about it and when I tell her what I think happened she seemed sympathetic. Then Ashley invites me in. Like, to be part of the actual sleepover. Usually I would have declined politely and made the walk of shame back home, but I was disarmed by how nice she was being and thought, well I'm here anyway so what the hell.

It wasn't even a party or anything, just Ashley and three of her girl friends hanging out with snacks and playing video games. Her parents were in Florida so they had the house to themselves. I'm kinda awkward when she explains why I'm here, but they like immediately accept me into the pack. I'd never really talked to any of them before, but they're all very sweet. Half an hour later I'm just playing some Mario Kart with them, laughing and chatting and having a good time. Ashley likes Fullmetal Alchemist which I was super into at the time. One of her friends is showing off memes on her phone. We're all laughing at the dumb jokes being thrown around. If that had been the entire night it would've already been a huge win.

Right before they're ready to wind down and go to sleep, Ashley declares a "girl meeting" and they go into a room right across from the sleeping bags. So I'm in the living room, getting into a sleeping bag they got for me and taking my pants off inside so I don't get too hot. Just laying there in my t-shirt and boxers thinking how cool things turned out. Something like 20 minutes go by and I start wondering if maybe they're just sleeping in the room instead of where I'm at, which I decided made sense, and then also decide I'm really horny and I want to jerk off. Yes, it's stupid, but hormones are a powerful thing. Only after I've gotten myself hard and get some strokes in do I look back and see them looking at me through the partly opened door. Which then closes. I have now entered panic mode, because even though my bottom half is covered there is no way they didn't know what I was doing. I can either put my pants back on quickly and get out of there or hope they'll be cool about it.

While I'm trying to figure out a way to salvage this, they come out into the living room being super giggly. They seem oddly excited about what they've seen and are pulling their own sleeping bags closer to mine and sit down around me, very close. At this point two things very quickly occur to me before my brain goes fuzzy. 1 - they are up to something. 2 - I was really glad it was dark in that room because my face must have been bright red. The first thing Ashley says is that they know I was playing with myself, and it's okay if I want to keep going... if they can watch me. I'm fully hard and they're feeling like friends to me after the fun evening together, so I say something like "Oh sure, that sounds fun." I may have mentioned I'm socially awkward.

From here things get graphic so I won't go into detail, but if anyone cares they can just ask me. I don't mind but I've already written so much here. Long story short, getting caught led to amazing results that night. I know how lucky I am.

/r/AskReddit Thread