What's your honest rating for Rezero so far?

7.5-8/10 probably. It started off really well but I've been slowly starting to lose my interest the last couple episodes. I started watching the series after 1-19/20 had been released already, so I binged them and I was hooked up until then. I'm not really being shocked by anything and I think that may be because of having to wait an entire week for something that wasn't as shocking as the first several episodes. I also hate Subaru a little bit more each episode after ep18 (i think it was).

I'm really not a fan of watching things weekly unless I already know what's going on (like Berserk 2016), or if the series is episodic in someway like the beginning of JoJo p4. I haven't read JoJo, so I'm watching with no knowledge of what's to come, but it seems like it has the story it's going to focus on after taking the necessary time to introduce me to the characters.

TL;DR: 8/10. It's really cool, but I feel like watching it weekly is hurting my level of interest with each passing episode after the point where I couldn't binge watch. Also I hate Subaru for a single decision he made. Come on dude.

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