What's your most unpopular opinion?

So... I would blame the Jews. Now bear with me. I know this is crazy shit. But I see it as the only peaceful path forward.

We have to demonstrate how the West and Islam have been manipulated into a clash of civilisations by the Jews. You can see this in practice in the media, Israeli dominance over the US/milintel industrial complex and who do ISIS serve exactly? Who owns the banks and funds both sides of every war?

Muslims hate Jews. If we can convince them we are both being manipulated I think we can convince them to Leave of there own free will. I think we'll have to pay a bit of relocation but I honestly see this as the best way forward.

Otherwise expect civil war over religious grounds within a couple of decades.

I've only had this idea this week. But I've started writing a book. Right now I'm trying to collect information to do a side-by-side comparison of how the West has been manipulated and how Islam has been manipulated.

Everytime a population get's displaced great violence eventually occurs. That's history. The natural order. To assume we can get around that is to assume we can control or are above nature.

Bear in mind for me this idea started off as purely speculative. And now I'm starting to think maybe the Jews really are responsible. Too many dots connect. What if Hitler had a point?

I get this is very out there. Don't take my word for it. But everytime you see something supporting multiculturalism/mass migration look who made it. Look who owns their media outlet. Who is their editor? More often than not, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, etc.

Unsurprisingly, growing up near a mosque has radicalised me.

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