What's YOUR opinion on what happens when you die?

I figured it'd go 2 ways:

1st way, once you die, you're done; like turning off a TV with absolute nothingness. Your consciousness goes black, your body decomposes, and the world moves on.

2nd way, your physical body dies, but you become a feint energy source (a.k.a soul). Based on how true most stories are, some people may cling onto where they are as a feint energy source (a.k.a a ghost) or are swept away towards a larger energy source (a.k.a afterlife) where you lose you then lose your sense of "self" you've built up in this lifetime. Then if the story about rebirth is true, once you've lost yourself and become just pure energy, you get redistributed back in the world (a.k.a becoming reborn).

I really don't have a concrete belief in either scenario, but I figured I'd find out when the time comes anyway.

/r/AskReddit Thread