What's your opinion on unique user flairs?

I'm actually super glad this came but because I was actually thinking about this really recently. I've never been someone who has cared much for flairs, it's just something I never picked up on but I definitely do recognise the point that sometimes a distinguishing mark of any kind can lend someone's opinion a weight or legitimacy it may not necessarily deserve. "Gilding" comments works like this, where it's often used as a 'super upvote' of sorts that draws people in and, from what I've seen, makes people more likely to upvote it.

With this in mind, I would be completely in favour of either removing or changing my flair for consistency or to make them less "distinguished". That is not to say I'm not very grateful for the recognition, but I think if someone new or unaware of the subreddit looked at that linked comment chain, they might assume I was some kind of honorary mindcracker or something (a guy can dream eh?)!

This might sound very dumb and very over thought, but I am genuinely very careful with what and where I post on reddit with my account. I'm not a confrontational or argumentative person much anyway, but especially in my time posting in the mindcrack community I've really tried to avoid seeming like someone who tries to stir things up or has an opinion on everything that then follows me around, and I think moreso now that I have this pretty official looking flair! It's kind of the reason I don't post here or in the mindcrackcirclejerk (more though that I'm not great with that kind of humour), in that I don't want to seem like "Oh that guy who posted this controversial opinion etc". I've only posted here really once or twice before, on which occasion I did feel it was a little bit too serious and confrontational. Anyway, I don't know I'm rambling BUT I do agree that maybe a hoverover box for me is the way to go!


"Tthat guy who posted that controversial opinion etc"

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