Whats your own favorite food monster creation? (ie: TurDuckEn)

Shark fin soup itself isn't evil, there are plenty of shark species where it is fine to catch and then it's better to use the fin as food than to just trophy catch the shark.


This is one article about it, other ones I was looking for are behind a paywall.

Some species can actually see an increase in breeding by removing some of the biggest and oldest ones off the top. I mean that's a bit different than survival of fittest but when humans are trying to correct issues of total population numbers removing the fittest leads to more members of a population as just more breeding between lesser members takes place.

Also if you send researchers out with fisherman to gather data it can help us keep the overall populations far healthier.

This next part is a personal opinion: but I think an outright ban on all shark fishing would be the worst thing we could do for shark populations and lead to several species going extinct. We can not stop every person on Earth from doing it, and if we don't supply the stuff they want from sharks sustainablely, they will get it anyway they can.

Finning should never be done though as it's unethical pretty much torture but that doesn't mean we can't catch any sharks as food.

Sure sharks survived for millions of years without humans but I think we've already messed up things in the oceans too much for just leaving all of them alone to fix the issues, we have to clean up problems we have caused ourselves and fishing is one of the tools (a smaller one but still useful) we can use to do that.

I have a degree in zoology from MSU and even though Michigan is clearly not on an ocean they do a lot of shark research and I read papers from professors I had and things former classmates share. (Fun fact, one of the founders of shark week is an alum).

I'm guessing this is why you said no one wants shark fin soup recipe. Now if you were saying it because well it's a disgusting dish that tastes really freakn weird, well I agree with you, tried it once, never again, bleh.

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