What's your "I was in the right place at the right time" story?

Long Read.

So we're having a gathering at our house getting ready to go to preach. I was randomly pared up with an older man who is a great guy in general but I didn't talk to the other people much, so I wasn't friend with him but we were grouped up. Anyways after everyone is assigned into groups we make our way outside and he tells me he'll be there in a second, I get into the car and he crosses the street but drops a pen on the floor and didn't notice it until he was inside the car and look out. Right there and then I was looking at him and looked for incoming traffic, but he didn't look at all- And right at that moment, a huge truck rushed by the small street and took the door off the small SUV, it shook the car and the door was gone, but right before I could speak or say anything about it, I grabbed him by his collar and tanked him as fast as I could in a millisecond and just pulled him away from the door. After the truck took his door, we were in shock. He looked at me and just was lost for words, but it was that look like, "What just happened?" Ever since then he's always greet me when he sees me, it was an enlightening moment.

/r/AskReddit Thread